[M3] “Our Politics,” The Citizen Soldier, Jan. 19, 1843

Our Politics

We have been asked for our political opinions, whether we are democrats, conservatives, or whigs; but as it would be inconvenient for us at this moment to express any preference for the political parties of the day, we shall hold in silence altogether, so far as this paper is concerned, our sentiments on the subject.  There is one party, however, which we shall at all times support,which we shall advocate with zeal, and whose advancement we shall urge zealously, devotedly, and fearlessly—a party which is too much neglected every where—a party which has, and always will have, paramount claims to our notice—a party which the scoundrelly time-serving politicians take no notice of—a party which, in all ages, is the peculiar care of Heaven—a party which has been often robbed of its rights by the tyrants and despots of the earth—a party whose sighs, tears and groanings have made the angels of mercy weep—a party which is to be found every where, and that party, is the Party of Human Nature!  This party is opposed in sentiment, feelings, and practice, to all kinds of despotism in every form, and rises indignant at every species of tyranny.  This is the party which we shall strenuously adhere to, and we trust that our friends will not be displeased with our choice.