[K9] “The Spermaceti Papers,” The Citizen Soldier, Aug. 16, 1843
T h e S p e r m a c e t i P a p e r s .
“You see, my young friend, said the Doctor, these penny-a-line editors, these ginger-pop poets, and root-beer rhymsters—what are they? the priests that minister at the shrine of Minerva? No—they are but the l—e crawling around the head of the goddess, the bugs that soil her vestments, the vermin that defile her person.”—(Conversations with Dr. C.)
A manifesto to all whom it may concern.
I'm tired of talking about our friends in Cairo. I never heard of a man yet, who didn't get tired of hunting that peculiar species of cat that frequents woods—and so on. But I've engaged in the hunt, and it's not my intention to stop in the middle of the swamp. For three weeks the Spermaceti Papers will remain in a state of suspended animation, but in the meanwhile, a mass of select matter, shall be selected, relating to the lives of the Spermaceti gentlemen, their origin, peculiar anecdotes in their history, as well as certain researches into the mystery of coffin making.
The Rev. Rufus W.
Griswold is no longer editor of Graham’s Magazine. He was discharged last week.