[F3] Letter to the Editor, Spirit of the Times, March 28, 1842 (p. 2)

OH TRUMPERY!  OH MOSES!—The following egotistic epistle reached, and amused us yesterday:

Philadelphia, Ninth and Chestnut Street,

(Garret-Room, we suppose.—ED.)

March 27th, 1842.

JOHN S DU SOLLE, Esq.—DEAR SIR:—A very foolish report has got abroad, namely:—That in order to gain notoriety, I have written for you the articles lately appearing in the "Times," in which myself, and my friend Mr. Hirst, so conspicuously figure.  I would have no objections to this, as the articles are very amusing and cleverly written, were it not that the reputation of having contributed to your paper is anything but agreeable to  my feelings.  Be kind enough to contradict the report, and add another obligation to the many conferred on

Your grateful friend,


Mr. English flatters himself egregiously, when he dreams that either he or his friend could be important enough to merit a "conspicuous" piece in our columns!

To oblige Mr. E., we add that he has never contributed to the "Times"—we have invariably refused to publish his communications, even when he has promised to pay for their insertion.