[E9] "'Boz' in Philadelphia," Spirit of the Times, Feb. 24, 1842
"Boz" in Philadelphia.
Mr. Dickens will come this way it seems after all. We published the other day his letter in reply to one from the "Tickle-me-and-I'll-tickle-you Club" of our city, in which he declined the honor of masticating "chicken-fixins" with their Royal Highnesses, the "small-potatoe" literati par excellence of Philadelphia. Now we have to publish another letter from him, accepting an invitation from an humble, but much more honorable source. Here it is:
DEAR SIRS—I thank you for your letter. No man subscribes more heartily to the sentiments you express in reference to the worth of that class of society whom you represent, than I do; and I unaffectedly assure you that I am proud of your good opinion.
I have already declined various invitations to a public reception in Philadelphia, but I shall be exceedingly glad to shake hands with you when I arrive there, and shall hope that you will give me an opportunity of doing so.
I remain, gentlemen, faithfully yours,
[signed, Charles Dickens]
To John F. Gebler, James M. Davis, Thomas B. Florence, John C. Bresley, Esqs.
Well, that's some comfort. Mr. Dickens did not even propose to "shake hands" with the literati—and it was fortunate he did not, since it will save him the expence perhaps of a box of ointment. Messrs. Gebler, Davis, Florence, &c. , have therefore some reason to be proud; and en passant we may be permitted to observe that Mr. Dickens need not be afraid to shake their hands, as we have frequently done it ourself without experiencing in the slightest degree, any evil consequences. Ahem!