[B4] "Sad Catastrophe," Spirit of the Times, Jan. 26, 1842
Sad Catastrophe.—We have several times, in speaking of our "Flib," alluded to his red hair. Flib is a mischievous fellow, fond of trying experiments, and prying into every thing that comes within his reach. Last evening, in reading his favorite paper, the Spirit of the Times, he observed the statement that Dr. Comstock's East India Hair Dye, would color "grey or Red Hair, Brown or Black." Flib disputed it. Toney Blink affected to agree with him in opinion, and persuaded him to try a little on his hair, in order that he might confute the Doctor. He did so, and lo and behold! This morning his hair is as black as the ace of spades! Flib is in great distress at the metamorphosis, as he took a great pride in his red head, and fancied that was what made the girls love him so. (Flib is a great favorite with the ladies.) He wishes us to ask the Doctor if his hair wont come out red again, and promises faithfully not to interfere with chemicals again.