[A10] "City Police," Spirit of the Times, March 9, 1842: A Night's Spree

City Police.

TUESDAY, March 8, 1842.

A Night's Spree.-The Rowdies and their Rowdyism.-A New Volunteer Corps.-Dickens and Brier, or Brier and Dickens.

            "I say, Bill, here it's half-past four and no row kicked up yet.  I feels wicious-I haint been to Burton's ball for nothing-"Take your t-i-m-e Miss Lucy-take your time M-i-s-s Lucy Lo-long."

            "That's a capital air, Jim-'Take y-o-u-r time Miss Lucy-Lu-cy, Lu-cy Long.'  Warn't that capital?-That ball-Jim, it strikes me that post is corned-just look how it slides about-wot a disgrace to the corporation-'Take your time Miss Lu-cy-'"

            "Why the house is going round and ro-u-n-d-the street is going the wrong way too-the end of the world's comin'-who cares?  'Take your time Miss L-u-cy-'"

            "Come, Jim, let's make a night of it-let's do the thing handsome-as Baulty Sowers said last night when he walked into Burton's ball, and passed himself off for Boz.  Come Jim, here's an alley-let's dive  into it! Hurrah!"

            And with this Mister William Endsley took his companion-rowdy, Mister James Boulden by the arm and together they plunged into the recesses of Little Dock street with the evident intention of kicking up some furious row or other, and that immediately.

            What kind of row should they kick up?  There was the difficulty.  Billy went in for seeing Boz at the United States Hotel-for said he, I'm just as good as any of them 'porters wot goes there; Jim was in favor of pulling door bells, placing butcher's signs over the doors of doctors, or plastering the back of some cow with Sherman's Lozenge hand-bills.  All these expedients for creating fun were finally voted bores by both of our worthies.  In utter despair they took their station in front of Mr. Haight's tavern, one leaning on each side of a lamp post.  There is no knowing what they would have come to, had not Billy beheld a stone pile within a few yards.  He selected a few of the nicest stones, and rattled them over Mr. Haight's roof.  This was a grand idea, a bright development in the annals of rowdyism.  Jim followed suit, and the incessant rattling of the stones on the roof produced a very creditable imitation of Yankee Doodle, when a number of night capped heads were thrust from every  window, while a number of voices were heard calling "watch! watch! watch!"  The fun was stopped.  Jim and Billy did not pass scott free by a long shot.

            Edmond Taylor, John Morrow, James Fabes, John Wilton, are the officers of a new Volunteer corps which is organizing the town.  Uniform-dark coat, buttoned up to the neck, and white-washed on the back, shirt peeping from the elbows-toes looking out of the boots-hair in curious disorder, and well inhabited-hat knocked in at the corners-shirt of dark brown color, and usually with one sleeve, sometimes two.  Tout ensemble-grand and beautiful.  Name of the corps-The Loafer Invincibles.  Place of meeting-the castle down in Moyamensing.

            The Mayor sent them to their rendezvous.

Billy Brier.

            P. S.-My interview with Charles Dickens to-morrow.